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Vouchers allow income eligible households to live in privately owned apartments in Quincy and in rural Adams County. The Quincy Housing Authority offers two different forms of vouchers: Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) and Project Based Voucher. A Section 8 voucher can be used to rent apartments from participating landlords. If a tenant moves from that particular apartment, he/she can take the voucher to another eligible location. A Project Based Voucher can only be used at either the Frederick Ball Apartments or the Country Club Heights Apartments. That voucher stays at the respective site if the tenant moves out and is used by a new tenant there. Allowable rents charged by landlords/owners for all forms of vouchers are based on HUD-published annual Fair Market Rents at the 110% Payment Standard level minus the annual Utility Allowance. All requested rents from landlords/owners must also be determined to be “reasonable” by QHA standards. The tenant portion of the rent is based on household income. Contact QHA to learn more about our Section 8 and Project Based Voucher programs.